The Benefits of Getting Braces

Getting braces helps correct crooked teeth, close gaps, and improve jaw alignment. This treatment not only boosts self-esteem but also benefits your overall health.

Misaligned teeth can lead to gum disease and other issues if not properly cleaned. Braces can help prevent these issues by lowering the risk of bacterial plaque build-up. Contact Las Vegas Braces now!

A straighter set of teeth is far easier to clean and can lower your risk for oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Crooked or crowded teeth create hard-to-reach spaces and crevices that can trap food particles and lead to infection or tooth loss. Braces create uniform spacing between your teeth, making it easier for toothbrush bristles and floss to reach all areas of the mouth.

Braces can also address bite problems, such as an overbite or underbite, which can lead to uneven pressure on your teeth during chewing and grinding. This can cause premature tooth damage, jaw pain or even enamel erosion. Orthodontic treatment helps to correct these issues and reduce the risk of these dental concerns in the future.

While brushing and flossing are important with or without braces, routine oral hygiene is especially critical during orthodontic treatment. This includes using antibacterial mouthwash, fluoride rinses and utilizing an orthodontic floss threader or waterpik to reach tight spots and remove bacteria that can lead to plaque buildup, gum disease and tooth decay.

Lastly, it’s important to visit your orthodontist for regular cleanings and checkups during orthodontic treatment. This can help identify emerging issues and ensure that your braces are working properly.

While many people are aware that braces make teeth straighter, they also offer a number of unexpected medical benefits. These include improved digestion, better oral health and an enhanced appearance.

The teeth play a crucial role in chewing food, which helps in the digestion process. However, crooked or misaligned teeth can make it difficult to chew properly. This may lead to a delay in the digestive process, which can reduce your intake of important nutrients. Braces align the teeth and help in breaking down food into smaller pieces, thus facilitating proper digestion.

Besides improving digestion, braces also ensure that the gums are healthy. Gum diseases are caused by bacteria that get trapped between the teeth and gums. Over time, these bacteria can destroy the gum tissue and lead to severe issues such as bleeding gums and gum infections. Braces prevent these bacteria from getting trapped between the teeth, making it easier to clean the teeth and gums with a toothbrush and floss.

Those with braces should stick to soft foods like oatmeal, soups, yogurt, scrambled eggs and steamed or boiled vegetables. Hard foods can damage or break the wires and brackets, so they should be avoided at all costs. Additionally, food should be cut into small pieces to avoid any discomfort and the risk of food getting stuck in the braces. While this may be an inconvenience, it is essential to ensure that you are receiving the proper nutrition while undergoing orthodontic treatment. This will help to improve your overall wellbeing and give you the confidence of having a masterpiece smile. In addition, it will also help you to avoid any future complications that may arise due to improper bite alignment.

Getting your teeth and bite into a healthy position helps protect your oral health. Crooked or crowded teeth are difficult to clean, and this can lead to inflamed gums and dental disease. Over time, the bacteria that cause these issues can also damage the jaw bone.

Having straighter teeth also makes it easier to maintain brushing and flossing habits that will help you avoid cavities in the future and reduce your risk of gum disease. This helps you maintain a strong, healthy smile and keep your teeth for a lifetime.

Misaligned teeth and a bad bite can put extra strain on your jaw joints (also called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ). This may cause them to flare up with symptoms like popping sounds, stiffness in the jaw points or earaches. Braces help correct these problems by easing the pressure on the TMJ and helping to align the teeth properly.

TMJ pain and a misaligned bite can also impact the way you chew, which can prevent your teeth from breaking down properly. This can lead to poor digestion and missing out on important nutrients. Braces can help correct these issues to improve digestion and better absorb the food you eat.

Unevenly spaced or crowded teeth are more likely to develop plaque, which can lead to bad breath. Braces can help eliminate this problem by creating a more even distribution of tooth surfaces for a cleaner, fresher smile.

Many people with crooked teeth or a misaligned bite find that their speech is impacted. This can lead to lisps, slurs, and whistling when they pronounce certain sounds, as the teeth and jaw play a big role in articulating words. The good news is that straightening your teeth with braces in Boca Raton can help to correct these issues, which can lead to improved speech clarity.

Depending on the type of braces you choose, your speech may be slightly affected at first as your tongue gets used to having something in your mouth. However, this shouldn’t last very long if you opt for traditional braces that are placed on the outermost surface of your teeth or clear aligners, which don’t have any impact on your speech. In addition, you can also use dental wax to “lubricate” the brackets, which can make it easier to speak.

In the long term, improving your speech with braces will help to improve your overall communication skills. By focusing on your pronunciation and enunciation, you will be able to deliver a clearer sound that others can understand, which can make it easier for you to express yourself and will positively affect your life in other ways too.

If you are worried about how your speech might be impacted by getting braces, we recommend booking an appointment with a speech pathologist or therapist. They will be able to diagnose the issue and offer techniques and exercises that can help you overcome it. This is also a great way to ensure that your treatment is progressing as expected. Remember, any speech difficulty caused by braces is a small price to pay for a healthy smile that you can be proud of.

There are a number of factors that lead to the deterioration of jaw bones, including misaligned teeth. The bacteria from a mouth full of crooked teeth can easily penetrate the gums and reach down to the bones, where they can start to eat away at them. Braces can help to align the teeth, which prevents this from happening.

During your first appointment, your orthodontist will take x-rays of your teeth and create a mold of your mouth. Then they’ll bond the brackets to your teeth using a special adhesive. Each bracket has a slot where the archwire will be placed, and it also has tie wings where elastics or ligatures can attach. Once the archwire is in place, your orthodontist will tighten it periodically and adjust it according to your progress.

Straighter teeth are easier to brush and floss, which can significantly reduce your risk of gum disease in the future. Additionally, a properly aligned bite will ensure that food is fully chewed before being swallowed, which can help improve digestion and ward off stomach problems like heartburn or indigestion.

If you have a crooked smile, it’s important to address it before the problems get worse. Contact your orthodontist today to learn more about the benefits of getting braces, and to schedule your first appointment. The more you follow your orthodontist’s treatment plan, the faster your smile will be transformed into a healthy, beautiful one!